They discover an "ancient rocket" under the tomb of Pakal - Amazing mysteries


Friday, August 24, 2018

They discover an "ancient rocket" under the tomb of Pakal

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K'inich Janaab 'Pakal, or Pakal "the Great", was the leader of the Mayan city-state of Palenque ..

During his reign, which was from 615 to 683 AD, Palenque became a city with advanced engineering, art, architecture and economic prosperity. Under his dominion the kingdom of the city of Pakal flourished and great monuments were built. One of these monuments was a pyramidal structure called the Temple of the Inscriptions. Inside the temple would be the last resting place of Pakal .. but there was nothing there ...
Pakal's tomb, found inside the building, was penetrated by archaeologists for the first time in the 1950s, and what they found would astonish both archaeologists and historians. The tomb was covered with a large stone slab weighing more than a ton and was engraved with many hieroglyphs and images that have led to a great debate over the years.

According to scholars, the lid of the sarcophagus in the Temple of the Inscriptions is a piece of classical Mayan art. The commonly accepted interpretation of the lid of the sarcophagus is that it is the representation of Pakal desiring the Xibalba, the Mayan underworld. But the theorists of the ancient astronauts believe that this sculpted relief is proof of the visit of the aliens, since the relief shows a man in a spaceship.

They argue that when examining the size, you can see a 2-D interpretation of Pakal sitting in a horizontal position, just as today's astronauts have to sit up to avoid fainting during the g forces experienced during takeoff. You can also see that Pakal handles some kind of controls with his hands and foot pedals, in the same way that our astronauts do in flight capsules.

He even has a device connected to his nose that probably would have supplied oxygen during the flight. The decorations resemble the intricate controls and technological mechanisms that we see in modern spacecraft. There are even implicit flames and smoke from the propellers at the bottom of the ship.
They also claim that primitive Mayan artists represented what they saw as best they could from their memory, and immortalized it in this stone relief. And although skeptics say that there is no support for this theory, perhaps a mysterious artifact that was supposedly found inside the tomb could change that. A set of images show an artifact, which according to different sources, was found under the tomb of Pakal.

This bears a resemblance to rocket propellers, its deliberately sculpted form is similar to that of "a rocket of three cones," and clearly it was not meant to be an ornament with such an unwieldy form.
This artifact, if in fact it represents some kind of ancient propeller, throws some rather controversial, but surprising questions. Is it a mere basalt sculpture? Or is it made of some form of metal? Was this artifact created by Pakal? Was it his idea? Or was it an artifact that his people found, and subsequently brought to him? Is a ship what Pakal tried to represent on the top of his tomb?
And although we have not succeeded in finding more photographs of the artifact, we have discovered that, according to the very limited information that we were able to extrapolate from the web, it is housed inside the deep dark basements of the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico.
Unfortunately it has not been possible to find more images of this artifact in a convincing way, that once was found under a tomb that many feel, that actually represents a spaceship ... Why has not heard more about this intriguing artifact? Is it being hidden by the Mexican government? Do not they want the world to know that the Mayans had contact with beings from other worlds?
Add to this the fact that Pakal's body was not in the grave when it was discovered. It was documented that Pakal lived to the age of 80 years before returning to the stars. Only the remains of a person of 40 years were in the grave. There is no evidence that it was tampered with or stolen. The tomb was sealed from the year 683 AD. Pakal has not been found anywhere. Nobody knows why another person's body was buried in the pyramid.
Apparently, Pakal was one of the ancient astronauts, and in fact, he returned to the stars in a spaceship, and the event was documented on the cover of this tomb. The temple of the pyramid and the tomb were created by the Mayans to record the event during the following generations, and they hoped that Pakal would return someday .. What do you think? Leave your comment below!

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