The UFO Incident of Barney & Betty Hill: The Best Documented in History - Amazing mysteries


Monday, August 13, 2018

The UFO Incident of Barney & Betty Hill: The Best Documented in History

The most famous Extraterrestrial Abduction File in History. The UFO incident of Barney & Betty Hill, occurred on September 19, 1961 in White Mountains (New Hampshire, USA)

It was 10 pm at night when the Hill couple returned to their home in Portsmouth after spending a few days vacationing in Canada and visiting Niagara Falls. Shortly after leaving a restaurant where they had stopped for a drink, an event that would mark their lives for ever would happen.

Halfway down the couple spotted a very bright object resembling a star moving in the southwest part of the sky. Barney Hill stopped the car several times so that his wife could better observe that powerful light. The man at first thought that it could be a small plane, but then the object changed direction and making a curve the object went to where they were, at that time were just over three kilometers north of Woodstock when the UFO moved in front of the car.

Barney Hill got out of the car and stopped to see that strange flying object closer. The plate-shaped UFO moved silently to the left and moved closer, staying a few meters away from where they were. Barney faced this situation in a state of panic but still could approach the side of the object and visualize through some small windows that had the ship, between five and eleven humanoid-looking beings that seemed to be occupied, declared Barney, the humanoids They wore a kind of shiny black uniform with a kind of caps, the way these beings moved to Barney reminded him of soldiers performing some kind of exercise or military maneuver. Betty who was in the car without leaving scared could hear her husband exclaiming: "I can not believe it! I can not believe it! This is ridiculous!"

Barney, perplexed by what he observed, returned to the car in a state of hysteria and very nervous, started it and they went off on the road. Shortly after the Hill arrived at his house without further events along the way, but that was only the beginning of a long history of events.
Betty Hill days later began to dream every night with terrifying experiences with a UFO. Barney Hill began to suffer from insomnia, at night he felt very uneasy and could not stop reliving that fact in his mind, Hill was disturbed to realize that he could not explain everything that had happened over the course of the two hours after from the moment they found the UFO until the moment they arrived at their house, they did not remember any of the two that had happened during that period of time. They found no explanation for why the trip had lasted two hours longer than normal, as if they had been subjected to a strong outbreak of amnesia.

As this anxiety increased, they decided to seek medical help and went to see a well-known psychiatrist in the prominent place of Boston, Benjamin Simon, to see if through a hypnotic regression they could find out what had happened in the course of those two hours.

They began with the psychiatric treatment when more than two years ago of the events of the encounter with the UFO, in December 1963. Barney and Betty, under a deep state of hypnosis, narrated a much more different and strange story than the one that apparently At his level of consciousness, Dr. Simon had his recorder turned on at all times.

And it was when Barney began to describe his abduction at the hands of those supposed extraterrestrial beings. Hill claimed to have been taken up a ramp into the ship's interior and immediately was moved to a room to undergo an examination.

"I could feel them checking me with their hands ... they looked at my back and I could feel them touching my skin ... as if they were counting my spine ... and then they turned me around, and again they examined me. They opened my mouth, and I could feel two fingers that closed it. Then I heard as if more men were coming, and I could feel them moving around the side of the table where I was. Something scratched me gently, like a stick against my left arm. And then those men left. I think I felt good because I knew they were finished ... I joined the table where I was lying, put on my shoes and went down the ramp of the ship and kept walking. "

The woman also told a fairly similar story about the physical examination, but unlike her husband she took blood samples and then supposedly analyzed them. Betty Hill said she asked one of the beings who appeared to be the leader to tell her where her ship was coming from, and he showed her the location on a star map. Then she was escorted back to the ramp and she was able to return to her car.


Dr. Simon came to the conclusion that what was reported in the regressions was, what Barney and Betty believed real. During the regressions, the Hill reproduced real sensations of terror and apparently difficult to pretend. Despite the assurance that the marriage did not lie consciously, Simon gave an explanation that Betty would have created fantasies or dreams triggered by the actual sighting of the foreign object. Later, Barney would have "contacted" somehow and unconsciously, of what she and her subconscious had created.

The veracity of the event on the part of the marriage was maintained until his death (Barney died in 1969 and Betty in 2004), was it really a case of abduction? Or can the mind self-manage and create unreal events? Leave your comment below!

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