The octopi came to Earth from space like frozen eggs millions of years ago - Amazing mysteries


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The octopi came to Earth from space like frozen eggs millions of years ago

The octopuses are "extraterrestrials" that evolved on another planet before reaching the Earth hundreds of millions of years ago as "cryopreserved" eggs through a process known as panspermia, according to new radical research.

The extraordinary claims were made in a report titled Cause of the Cambrian Explosion: Terrestrial or Cosmic? which was co-written by a group of 33 scientists and published in the journal ' Progress in Biphysics and Molecular Biology' .

The paper states: "The octopus genome shows an amazing level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes more than what is present in Homo sapiens. Your big brain and sophisticated nervous system, camera-like eyes, flexible bodies, instant camouflage through the ability to change color and shape are just some of the surprising features that suddenly appear in the evolutionary scene. "

"The transforming genes that lead from the ancestral consensus Nautilus to the common squid are not easily found in any other preexisting life form; it is plausible to suggest that they seem taken from a distant future. " "In terms of terrestrial, or more realistic evolution of the cosmos in general." "A plausible explanation, in our opinion, is that the new genes are probably new extraterrestrial imports to Earth, more plausibly as an already coherent group of functional genes within of (for example) octopus eggs cryopreserved and protected with matrix. "

"Therefore, the possibility that the cryopreserved squid and / or octopus eggs arrived to ice creams several hundred million years ago should not be ruled out, as it would be a parsimonious cosmic explanation for the sudden appearance of octopus on Earth. 270 million years ".

The suggestion is even more interesting because octopi have often been touted as a possible model for extraterrestrial beings. In the 1898 science fiction classic ' War of the Worlds' , HG Wells conceived his Martians as creatures resembling octopuses with massive brains. Meanwhile, the film ' Arrival' of 2016 refers to the first contact with an alien race of cephalopods.

Cephalopods, especially octopuses, are considered the most intelligent of all non-vertebrates, with the highest brain-body ratio. A study has suggested that they are capable of learning by observation, that is, by observing others. They have even been seen assembling discarded coconut shells and using them to build a shelter.

In his book ' Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea and the Deep Origins of Consciousness' , the author Peter Godfrey-Smith wrote: "If we can establish contact with cephalopods as sentient beings, it is not by a shared history, not by affinity , but because evolution built complex minds on Earth in two different species. This is probably the closest we are going to meet an intelligent alien. "

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