Putin UFO Disclosure: Will Vladimir Putin Disclose Alien Presence? - Amazing mysteries


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Putin UFO Disclosure: Will Vladimir Putin Disclose Alien Presence?

A couple of major news outlets today tossed up headlines saying Vladimir Putin is about to disclose the reality of alien presence on earth. A potential Putin UFO disclosure statement would be world-changing.
The claim comes from the Paradigm Research Group founder, Stephen Bassett. Bassett is a US lobbyist on the issue of alien disclosure (he’s the only one).

If I had two minutes with Putin, my only question would be why do you not tell people about the ET presence. I believe Vladimir Putin is well aware of the ET presence. ~Stephen Bassett in a Russian Network TV interview.

Essentially, Bassett believes a global gag order keeps world leaders from disclosing the truth about aliens and UFOs.

Where’s the Evidence?

I went over all the news articles I could find regarding this revelation and there’s not as much interesting to it as I’d hoped.
Bassett traveled to Russia hoping to convince Putin to disclose what he knows, if anything, about aliens. He never actually got to speak to Putin though. He only had an interview with a Russian television network where he explained his beliefs.
Unfortunately, regardless of what Vladimir Putin knows, there’s nothing in Bassett’s interview to suggest he might be considering any type of UFO disclosure.

Putin UFO Disclosure?

So what might Putin know about UFOs?
Well, he sure as hell knows more about what’s going on than I do. The Russian interest in possible extraterrestrial technology is unquestioned. If there was anything going on, Putin would be one of the first to be grabbing the intel.
I believe Vladimir Putin is well aware of the ET presence. ~Bassett
Whether it happens or not, once one leader spills the beans it’s likely that more will follow. I’d love for Putin or Trump to come out and say, “yes aliens are visiting us and here’s proof.” It’s highly unlikely though. There’s always the possibility that our world leaders don’t even have proof.


The articles I found touting the Putin UFO disclosure seem to really be reporting the beliefs of a specific researcher. But it turns out, he doesn’t have any real information about Putin’s intentions.
I would still be cool though if he said something. It’s fun to think about. I’ll keep hoping that one day it happens.


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