Non-Human Creatures Control the World" Interview with ex-executive of the World Bank - Amazing mysteries


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Non-Human Creatures Control the World" Interview with ex-executive of the World Bank

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That "extraterrestrials control the world" is something that has been discussed in "conspiracy" circles for a long time. However, to say it a person who worked in an institution of great importance as it is the World Bank, is another thing.

Karen Hudes studied Law at Yale University and Economics at the University of Amsterdam. He worked for the Export Import Bank of the United States between 1980 and 1985. In addition, he worked for the Legal Department of the World Bank between 1986 and 2007. An impressive resume and no less impressive are the statements of this executive who has worked more than twenty years for the World Bank.

In this interview, Hudes reveals that she was fired due to her attempts to denounce the enormous, massive, according to her words, corruption that is installed in the highest domes of the Bank and the world economy.

He affirms that everything is controlled by a strange entity that they call "Black Pope" (the Black Pope) and that this entity is not human. He states that there is another species on this planet that is not human and that governs us before the Ice Age. These entities are not extraterrestrial but another species of humans with a high technological development, with a high IQ and without any creative or emotional capacity

For her, these beings would be in positions of power for a long time. To illustrate, he spoke of the mitres that some Egyptian pharaohs used to cover their elongated heads and the mysterious Peruvian skulls.

Quoting a Swiss study of 2011 published in the magazine 'Plos One' on the "global corporate control network", Hudes pointed out that a small group of entities, mostly financial institutions and central banks, exert a huge influence on the international economy . "What is really happening is that the resources of the world are being dominated by this group," adding that the "corrupt power grabbers" have managed to dominate the media as well. "They are allowed to do it."

The words of Hudes, which for many may sound crazy, join the former Minister of Defense of Canada, Paul Hellyier, who at a UFO Congress held last year, said that there are aliens working in the US government.

What do you think of his incredible statements? Watch the following special video of Planet Snakedos and leave us your comment below!

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