Rockers and Aliens - Amazing mysteries


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Rockers and Aliens

American ufologists are sure: rock music has an extraterrestrial origin. Otherwise how to explain the fact that most rock musicians were seen in connections with aliens? And some rockers and openly declare that it is the space aliens owe their successful career! 

For almost 40 years, the legendary musician, the leader of the Rolling Stones Mick Jagger, is keenly interested in extraterrestrial intelligence. It all started in 1968, when Mick and his then girlfriend Marianne Faithfull rested in the bosom of nature in Glastonbury.  At night, he saw a luminous cigar-shaped object in the sky. This case made such a strong impression on the rocker that he equipped his English estate with "alien detectors" - special devices that alerted to bursts of electromagnetic radiation. 

However, Jagger is not the only musician of the group, who was lucky enough to contemplate a plate. The guitarist of the Rolling Stones Keith Richard, too, has every reason to boast of contacts with UFOs. At least he assures me that he also saw several pieces. And in 1969, not only all members of the legendary group were lucky, but also their admirers. When the Rollings gave a concert in Altamonte (California), over a thousands of people the UFO was hanging. The plate even managed to be filmed, thanks to which it is perfectly visible how the spectators are distracted from the stage and lift their heads to the sky. Until now, experts are wondering what attracts extraterrestrials - the rockers themselves or their music. 

According to the results of a survey of Internet users conducted in 2004, the famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne was elected the best representative of the Earth in negotiations with aliens. Legendary Ozzy with a wide margin ahead of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, US President George W. Bush and well-known Western television personalities. A survey of thousands of Web users was conducted after the American rovers Spirit and Opportunity discovered signs of the presence of water on Mars. For Osborne voted 26% of respondents, for Tony Blair - 12%.George Bush received only 9% of the vote. 


Confessed that he believes in a UFO, and the father of the techno, Jeff Mills: "I fully admit the possibility of their existence. Our Universe is so great, and our knowledge of it is too limited to deny such an opportunity. The Earth is open to the impact from outer space, so contact with extraterrestrial civilizations is just a matter of time. Perhaps they already tried to contact us, but we did not notice it. " According to the musician, it was contact with space aliens that spurred him to write his best melody. 

Once Mills was returning home to Detroit from the suburbs. Suddenly a luminous cigar-shaped object appeared over the highway. Before the musician could get out of the car, he was blinded by the insanely bright and strong flash of light. From the surprise he could not move a hand or a foot. But then it was even more interesting. Around him began to walk humanoid beings. 

And in the ears of Mills there was a ringing of bells that played a very beautiful melody. "It was like the bells of Santa Claus," Jeff later told reporters. At home he remembered the "unearthly melody", recorded it and the next day in the studio processed in the style of techno. It was she who later became the basis of the "alien" composition of Bells, which brought Mills a frenzied popularity. 


He watched the aliens during the filming of his next video and the guru of electronic music Moby. After that, he said: "I really saw them in New York recently, they are such nice guys." 

Perhaps this case influenced his decision to enroll in the astronauts. Moby can become the first musician to fly into space. Recently, he signed a contract with a well-known agency Virgin Galactic, which specializes in civilian space tourism. The passenger's seat on board the spacecraft cost Moby $ 207,000. 


Rocker Tom Petty was much less fortunate: the encounter with the aliens almost ended in tragedy. Once he noticed three brilliant spheres, floating in the sky near the house. The musician almost forced his wife and guests into the car, grabbed the camera and ran after the sensation. Climbed closer, lovers of UFO found that from the brilliant spheres to the earth stretch threads. 

Then one of the guests recognized the meteorological probes in the dish. The musician, numb with this news, drove at full speed into the car, standing at the traffic light. "I almost injured several people. Fortunately, everything turned out okay. But after this incident, the wife took away my car keys, "- complains Tom. 


Vocalist of the group "Blue" Lee Ryan, known for his extravagant antics, piously believes that the aliens do exist and that the human race is a grandiose experiment, started by them. "If I had a chance to meet with an alien, we would try to fix the baby with her. Imagine a completely new creature! It takes a breath away from this one thought! " 

Colleagues of Ryan Ryan on the staff were not at all surprised by such a statement. On the contrary, another member of the "Blue" group, Duncan, told that he struggles to be abducted by aliens. 

"I dream of being on the alien ship. Many times with my friend, also turned on UFO, we tried to establish contact with green men. Once they even went to an open country near Dorset, sat and looked at the sky for a long time. But the aliens, apparently, were busy at that time more important things, "- said the upset Duncan. 


But David Walls, leader of the British rock band " The Wildhearts ", was much more fortunate. If you believe him - aliens kidnapped him as a child. One thing, but Wallace can not provide any proof. But the fans believe him on the floor. True, for skeptics, Walls, acting under the pseudonym Ginger, went on a bold experiment: he tried to completely restore the memories of his contact with hypnosis - alas, the undertaking was not crowned with success. 

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