Falcon Lake UFO : The best documented UFO incident in Canada - Amazing mysteries


Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Falcon Lake UFO : The best documented UFO incident in Canada

The Falcon Lake UFO incident in Canada is the best documented in the history of the American country. Stefan Michalak, 51, was a Polish citizen who emigrated to Manitoba. He worked as a welder mechanic and had a great fondness for geology and often went to nearby places in his village to examine quartz formations in those areas, where it was very common to find.(Falcon Lake UFO)

May 20, 1967. That day around 12 noon, Stefan approached a swampy area near a small stream in the area of ​​Falcon Lake and heard a loud noise of geese that flew by and were very excited, it was so shocking what who felt in that moment that he got to the point of being scared by the strange behavior of the birds.(Falcon Lake UFO)
A few meters away, he stopped and looked up, observing in a nearby esplanade two metallic objects in the shape of a cigar (tubular) with domes on top of those objects. The objects would be about 45 degrees of altitude, they would descend and shine.
According to account, one of the ships was landed and the door opened, as he approached he said he heard some strange voices inside, but he could not see anyone, although he could see intermittent lights of various colors inside, the other ship while he remained a few meters in the air for a few minutes before rising.
Moments later came closer to try to know if it could be some kind of military aircraft, but the gate closed and the ship began to rise on the ground ejecting a few hot jets and causing explosions of air or gas that came out through a grid of one from the sides of that flying object, throwing Stefan a few meters away from the propulsion and causing his shirt to start burning.(Falcon Lake UFO)
This caused a very strange and deep burns in the chest-abdomen, also burning the hat he wore and a glove with which seconds before he had touched the ship to lean on it to look inside. It was when he tore off the burning garments while the ship took off and moved away. He also remembered having felt a lot of sulfur at the time.
The police from the beginning did not believe what Stefan related of what happened in that place, although he made some drawings showing what the ship was like. One officer even said he showed clear signs of being drunk although he denied that Stefan smelled alcohol.

It was based on the fact that his condition showed that he was frightened, disoriented, with difficulty in speech and eyes very irritated and injected with blood. Stefan refused at all times that the agents will approach him for fear of being contaminated by the radiation of the object. When he showed the agents the marks of the wounds on his chest and abdomen he also did not let them touch or examine him.(Falcon Lake UFO)
The report showed that Stefan had made some marks or wounds on the body with some type of black substance possibly wood ash. They never believed the version of their events. Then the agents offered to take Stefan wherever he wanted, but because he was afraid of carrying radiation, he did not want to go home fearing for the sake of his family and his young son and stayed in a motel.
Days after what happened, Stefan went to a newspaper in his town to tell his story and to see if they believed him there and they showed an interest in what happened. To avoid gossip, he denied having consumed any alcohol on the day of the events, although a witness, a young waiter from a nearby bar, stated that he had sold several bottles of beer the night before.
The curious thing about this case is that these burns of his abdomen were appearing and disappearing for a period of time and for several weeks after the incident he suffered diarrhea, severe headaches, vomiting, weight loss and was often disoriented.
Stan, son of Stefan who was 9 years old at the time, remembers having seen his father sick and wounded when he arrived a few days after what happened to his house, said that he spent several weeks convalescing in bed, pale, disoriented and emaciated . Many years later when the 50th anniversary of this strange event was fulfilled, his son decided to write a book about what happened entitled “When They Appeared (when they appeared).
Years later Stefan died at 83 years of age, in 1999. And I think we will never really know what really happened that day .. What do you think about this incident in Falcon Lake? Leave your comment below!

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