Discovered some Extraterrestrial Paintings of 7000 years in the Desert of Algeria - Amazing mysteries


Monday, August 13, 2018

Discovered some Extraterrestrial Paintings of 7000 years in the Desert of Algeria

For the 21st century human being, the Sahara is an immense desert, an extreme habitat, a desolate region, where survival is a challenge .. But the Sahara was not always like that. In many parts of the Sahara there are cave paintings, from Morocco to Egypt and Sudan. But especially in the south of Algeria, specifically in the Tassili N'Ayer, the abundance of paintings is extraordinary, they have been calculated in more than 15,000 and with an age between 2500 and 7000 years. The paintings that we show in Ufo-Spain Magazine today will make you go back in time and discover amazing stories captured in the rock.

The plateau of Tassili is a mountainous area in the middle of the desert of the Sahara, in the southeast of Algeria. Being its highest point (Adrar Afao) with 2158 meters in length and whose nearest city is Djanet, located 10 kilometers to the southwest. Much of this territory is rich in ecosystem, what made it be named (reserve of the biosphere) as it is also a cultural asset that made Unesco proclaim it "heritage of humanity".

Its land in the vast majority is of sandstone nature which makes up a total of 300 arches of whimsical, beautiful and very striking forms. Due to its altitude Tassili also enjoys vegetation being the most abundant the cypress of the Sahara. As its ancient language indicates "the Berber" Tassili means plateau of the rivers what leads to imagine that this beautiful desert in remote times enjoyed great humidity and as a result a rich ecosystem.

But if something characterizes Tassili n'Ajjer, it is its archaeological heritage made up of almost 15,000 cave paintings and engravings, whose dating by spectrometers of mass acceleration place them in a chronology comprised between the Lower Paleolithic and the Neolithic (10,000 and 15,000 BC). discovered by the archaeologist, explorer and French humanist "Henry Lothe" in 1978, the vast majority of these paintings and prints give us to show how was its evolution as fauna and flora 8000 long years ago, as well as its changes climatic, migration of its fauna, geologic transformations, coexistence, customs, hunting and breeding of cattle and daily life.

But among these cataloged 15,000 paintings are the so-called "round heads" concentrated in their vast majority in the area called "Jabbarent" which translated into the Berber language curiously indicates "the giants" a fact to be taken into account so then I would like to explain the real reason for the writing of this article and from which I invite you to make a magical journey to other possibilities from which these can only be understood by you open-minded people and get to read it a response beyond to suggestions and archaeological explanations .

There are many, many paintings of this enclave that narrate a daily life for many but something incredible and out of all comprehension for many others in which a server is already included who writes them. Among all of them I have chosen four of which, for me, escape all human understanding.

Four paintings that once again show us and define with amazing precision some beings of difficult understanding, which for my understanding had to impress the ancient inhabitants of Jabbarent who painted with all kinds of detail and interpreted these as gods.

1 The weightless being

The first of them "the weightless being" a painted being, this one in a horizontal position, something completely normal due to the aforementioned abundance of humidities which imply that these people dominated the technique of swimming, but when we look carefully they jump to the view incredible details and that makes this is qualified as impossible for science, details that attribute to this with helmet, gloves, one-piece suit, boots with perfect closing at the ankles and wrists is easy to contemplate The question: Who or who wore clothes of these characteristics and adapted horizontal positions? Does this position make one think of weightlessness? Curious is an image that reminds the trainings of the current astronauts.

2 The great Martian god

The second of these enigmatic images was the one baptized by "Henry Lothe" as "the great Martian god", a being represented with 6 meters of height endowed with a new impossible garment considering its dating, an imposing being that obviously tube that intimidate by his physical size and appearance dressed in his impossible clothes and we ask ourselves again that big question: since when did the Neolithic man dream of such clothes? And that size?

3 The god with Orantes

The third image is the one called "the great god with Orantes" a carving, not dressed in garments, which we consider out of the ordinary but endowed with an unusual morphology and not classified as part of any animal among its fauna, but a very similar being to observe in numerous sightings in many other places in the world where witnesses claim to have observed a being identical to this, the best known being the Riverside (california)

4 The Rapture

The fourth and for me the most incredible of all and perhaps the most deteriorated due to the aggressive technique performed on her "the tracing" direct in its great majority by the expeditions of "Lothe" many of these traces currently preserved in the museum of man in Paris France). In it you can appreciate an amazing fact a being gifted again with a diving suit, one-piece suit and something similar to a breathing system on the back and attached to it to a sphere by a tube, an object illuminated in the representation makes us suppose of a type of lighting flames in order to sparkle, dragging to this a total of four women of clear African profiles or Negroid, the last of them carrying even a child.

And again those questions come to mind. Does this image represent the physical contact of these people with these beings? Does this image represent some kind of genetic intervention in antiquity on the part of the so-called round heads? They manipulated also shown in other so many cultures the best known of them the Mesopotámica ?.

5 Ships or jellyfish

The fifth of the images that I want to show you are some enigmatic objects perched on the ground so in my opinion are their landing gear which at the top show a series of protrusions that obey or give the impression that it is some kind of lighting mechanism, these objects are attributed by conventional archeology to jellyfish, which was probably 10,000 years ago in this remote place, but unlikely for others because of the almost 1600 meters above sea level in which it is located and the almost 2000 kilometers of the nearest coast.

And to end our journey for this beautiful as well as enigmatic place, highlight some mysterious concentric circles topped on its periphery by long appendages which can only show a sense of movement and the most curious of all always the same diameter 17 centimeters, something incredible! ! What do you think? Leave us your comment!

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